Finding the right therapist can be a lot like dating. You may find your perfect therapist after the initial phone call or you may have to talk to several therapists before you find the one that suits your needs.
Most therapists offer a free 15-20 minute phone consultation, which provides you, the potential client, an opportunity to ask the therapist whatever you want. The phone consultation also is the time to check in with your gut and ask yourself, “Do I feel comfortable talking with this person?” No matter how many degrees or how much training the therapist has, the most important indicator of successful therapy is the connection you have between you and your therapist.
As well as checking in with your own inner compass you also want to make an informed decision. Here are some suggestions of questions to ask during the phone consultation.
- What makes you qualified to treat my problem?
- Do you specialize in my problem?
- What makes you a specialist?
- Have you helped many people like me?
- Do you get consultation with supervisors or other therapists?
- What’s your policy on canceling sessions?
- What’s your availability during the day and evening?
- What are your fees and do you accept insurance?
- How long do you typically work with clients?
- What do you enjoy about being a therapist?
These are some possible questions and may spark inspiration for you to come up with your own. Some therapists may not answer some of your questions and will likely explain why. Therapists have been trained to set boundaries and do not share a lot about their personal lives unless it is therapeutically appropriate.