There are several things that parents may do that can contribute to their child developing an anxious attachment style. Some examples include:

  • Being unavailable or unreliable: If a parent is not consistently available to meet their child’s needs, the child may become anxious and unsure of the parent’s availability.
  • Being overly critical or rejecting: If a parent is consistently critical or rejecting of their child, the child may become anxious about the parent’s approval and may struggle with self-worth.
  • Not allowing the child to express their feelings or needs: If a parent does not allow their child to express their feelings or needs, the child may become anxious about expressing themselves and may struggle with communication in their relationships.
  • Not providing a safe and supportive environment: If a child does not feel safe or supported in their home environment, they may become anxious about their surroundings and may struggle with trust and security in relationships.