It’s All Too Much
The alarm goes off, but all you want to do is pull the covers over your head.
By sheer force of will, you drag yourself out of bed and force-smile your way through yet another anxiety-ridden day.
Your mantra? “If I look happy, maybe no one will think anything is wrong with me.”
Behind that veneer, you feel broken, lost, confused. Or just plain crappy.
Negativity swirls through your body like a tornado. You can’t wait for the day to end so you can retreat to bed – your hideout.
Can’t Turn It Off
Deep down, you know that there’s more to life than spending every evening curled up on the couch and binge-watching Netflix.
Another sleepless night finds you staring at the ceiling while your internal dialogue only augments your feelings of insecurity and anxiety about your relationships, career, and life choices.
Desperate for a distraction, you grab your phone and start scrolling through social media – where you see that everyone but you has an effortless, fantastic life. The crappy feelings creep back.
Time to Break the Cycle
Stressed out, defeated, and exhausted, each morning finds you doing everything you can to keep it together, but a breakdown feels imminent.
Merely thinking about getting out of this horrible infinite loop feels exhausting.
Deep down, you feel there’s something better out there for you, but getting to a better place seems impossible.
Something’s got to change… but how?
Prioritize You
I’m here to tell you that change is possible. And when you’re ready to make a move… it’s inevitable.
I’m not gonna sugar-coat it. Change is haaaarrrd.
And it’s much easier when you have someone who will support you through the hard parts, hold space for the tears and struggles, and join you in experiencing all your emotions. Making sense of them. Untangling the complications that have been holding you back.
Take that first step…
Initiating therapy is the first step toward actual change.
Sometimes, it will feel like you’re walking through quicksand. Other times it will feel you’re sprinting toward your goals, jumping over hurdles like an Olympic track star.
Whatever the pace, I’ll be there with you every step of the way – sitting with you through the painful moments, guiding you through resolving past traumas, and celebrating the victories of the “a-ha” realizations.
You’ll start to notice changes. Becoming more present. Feeling more grounded in your choices.
Coming away with a renewed sense of faith, resiliency, and courage that give you the confidence to tackle any challenge.
Reach out today at (310) 626-4789.