

Polyvagal exercises to help regulate the nervous system

How to stimulate the vagus nerve kind of in a fun, playful way? I just want you to know that these are just some suggestions because everyone’s different and what works for one person may not work for another. If you have any concerns about these exercises or...

How the polyvagal system works with regulating your nervous system

The polyvagal theory explains how the autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates behavior and physiology in response to social and environmental stimuli through the different branches of the vagal system. The ANS, which is responsible for regulating unconscious...

Polyamory and secure attachment

Polyamory is the practice of having romantic relationships with multiple partners simultaneously, with the consent of all involved. Attachment styles refer to the ways in which individuals relate to others in close relationships, and can include secure, anxious, and...

Grieving and healing from a breakup

Breakups can be hard. It’s a loss and, with loss, comes grieving. The 5 stages of grief can be applied to breakups. Denial – “I am not accepting this. We are going to get back together.” Anger – “How dare they break up with...

Why getting over a relationship feels painful

Getting over a relationship can be a difficult and painful process, as it often involves dealing with feelings of loss and grief. This can include feelings such as sadness, anger, confusion, and depression. 1. “I saw a future with this person.” When we are...

Why safety and connection are important

Safety and connection are important in establishing a strong relationship because they are the foundation on which trust and intimacy can be built. When people feel safe with each other, they are more likely to open up and be vulnerable, which is necessary for...

Rejection sucks and here’s how to deal with it

Dealing with rejection can be difficult and painful, but there are some strategies that can help you cope with the feelings of hurt and disappointment that can come with it. Here are some suggestions for how to deal with rejection: Acknowledge your feelings:...

Ghosting – how it plays into your attachment style

Ghosting, which refers to the practice of ending a relationship or interaction without any explanation or communication, can be particularly hurtful and difficult to understand for those with anxious attachment styles. Anxious attachment styles are characterized by a...

Tools to help ease anxiety

There are many tools that can be helpful for managing anxious attachment, including: Mindfulness techniques: Practicing mindfulness, such as focusing on the present moment and accepting your thoughts and feelings without judgment, can help you become more aware of...

Why rejection feels so bad

Rejection can feel bad because it is often a form of social exclusion or a rejection of one’s ideas, wishes, or desires. When we are rejected, it can be a painful experience that can affect our self-esteem and sense of belonging. It is natural to feel upset,...