You may charge life at full throttle.
It’s time for bed – your anxiety brain is still firing on all cylinders. Your body is exhausted, but you can’t shut off your thoughts.
Over and over, the day’s events replay in your head – incessantly highlighting all the scenarios you ‘shoulda’ done differently.
Then there’s tomorrow. Ugh.
Where have you gone?
Somehow, you’ve lost sight of your own goals and dreams.
Always worried about what everyone else is doing or thinking, there’s no time left for you.
If only you could wake up feeling restored and release the anxiety that’s running you ragged…
Anxiety wreaks havoc.
It grips the chest, shortens the breath, hounds you with non-stop annoying thoughts.
A little-known fact is that anxiety is also a survival instinct and part of human biology. It’s protecting you from what you perceive as “danger” – a mean boss, a looming deadline, a dreaded social event.
It’s your body telling you, “No, no, no!” while your brain is saying, “Go, go, go!”
Or perhaps you’re crawling your way into the day.
Showing up and getting through the day feels like a chore.
The sun is shining – your world feels cloudy. Dishes piled up in the sink. Laundry piling up on the floor. Dread, hopelessness, lethargy – all are weighing you down.
You have no energy left to care.
Depression is a bummer.
You want to pull your covers over your head.
Your survival mechanism wants you to curl up in a little ball and not deal.
Brain fog has you looking at the world with dirty lenses, and you’ve learned to live with that.
Where is your happy place?
Close your eyes. Imagine your happy place. What is it?
Take the plunge. Get fully immersed in it – what do you see, feel, hear, smell? Notice how your body feels in that space.
Stay there for just a moment more. Feels good, right?
Getting back to that place of joy, happiness, and lightness is possible.
Let me help you get there.
I’ll help you develop a new relationship with your innate survival system by using techniques that help you work with your nervous system, not against it. Your body gives you powerful messages, and, together, we’ll decipher them.
As we slowly and gently excavate the deeply buried emotions you’ve been protecting all these years, you’ll learn how you developed anxiety and/or depression as a coping mechanism.
We’ll process the stuff that’s holding you back, and you’ll gain the resilience to navigate the world with confidence.
Regain your control. Restore your confidence. Reclaim your joy.
Let me help you kick anxiety and depression to the curb. Reach out today for therapy for anxiety at (310) 626-4789.
Together, let’s create a plan to let you get back to living your life with self-assurance and ease.